High Performance Computing



GIBS provides the most flexible and scalable cloud framework to run your HPC applications. With virtually limitless capability, engineers, researchers, and HPC system owners can innovate beyond the limitations of on-premises HPC infrastructure. GIBS delivers an integrated suite of services that provides everything needed to quickly and easily build and manage HPC clusters in the cloud to run the most compute-intensive workloads across various industry verticals. These workloads span the traditional HPC applications, like genomics, computational chemistry, financial risk modeling, computer-aided engineering, weather prediction, and seismic imaging, as well as emerging applications, like machine learning, deep learning, and autonomous driving.

High-Performance Computing in Delhi NCR by GIBS removes the long wait times and lost productivity often associated with on-premises HPC clusters. Elastic configuration and virtually unlimited scalability allow you to grow and shrink your infrastructure as your workloads dictate, not the other way around. Additionally, with access to a broad portfolio of cloud-based services like Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML), you can redefine traditional HPC workflows to innovate faster.



Power Consumption

In many cases the framework for the Blade Server will supply the power to multiple servers, reducing the total consumption of electricity.

Hot Swappable

Blade servers can be configured to be hot swappable so if one blade encounters an issue, it can be pulled and replaced much more easily. This helps to facilitate redundancy.

Less Needs For Cable

Blade servers often run on a single fibre cable, thus reducing the total cable requirements.

Product Development

Our experience design arm, method, helps businesses connect the dots between their products.

Power Processing

Blade Servers provide an extremely high processing power while taking up minimal space

Let Us Know

For any Blade Server requirements, you can contact our experts and plan your infrastructure according to your needs.